Crack Segmentation

Crack Segmentation GitHub Preview

Focuses on identifying and segmenting road cracks using a UNet model. It provides various loss function implementations to evaluate performance​. Learn more on GitHub.

Face Parsing

Face Parsing GitHub Preview

Implements BiSeNet for real-time semantic segmentation of facial features, useful for applications like digital makeup and augmented reality. Learn more on GitHub.

Face Identification

Face Re-Identification GitHub Preview

This repository uses SCRFD for face detection and ArcFace for face recognition, supporting real-time inference from webcams and videos. Learn more on GitHub.

ONNX Runtime Inference

YOLOv5 ONNX Inference GitHub Preview

This repository contains code and instructions for performing object detection using YOLOv5 inference with ONNX Runtime. Learn more on GitHub.

License Plate Detection

YOLOv5 License Plate Detection GitHub Preview

This repository contains code and instructions for performing license plate detection using YOLOv5 inference with ONNX Runtime. Learn more on GitHub.

DarkNet PyTorch

DarkNet PyTorch GitHub Preview

Reimplementation of DarkNet in PyTorch for flexibility and performance in deep learning. Learn more on GitHub.

FaceBoxes PyTorch

FaceBoxes PyTorch GitHub Preview

FaceBoxes is a high-performance, real-time face detection model optimized for CPUs. This implementation provides efficient and accurate face detection without needing powerful GPUs. Learn more on GitHub.

UNet PyTorch

UNet PyTorch GitHub Preview

This project implements the UNet architecture using PyTorch for image segmentation tasks. Trained on the Carvana dataset, it uses Dice loss and Cross-Entropy loss for training and offers high performance and flexibility. Learn more on GitHub.

Fast Neural Style Transfer

Fast Neural Style Transfer GitHub Preview

This project implements fast neural style transfer using PyTorch. It applies artistic styles to images in real-time, leveraging the MSCOCO dataset for training and offering deployment options with Flask. Learn more on GitHub.

EAST PyTorch

EAST PyTorch GitHub Preview

Reimplementation of "EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector" using PyTorch. This project provides an efficient and accurate model for text detection in natural scenes, trained on the ICDAR2015 dataset. Learn more on GitHub.

PyTorch Tutorials

PyTorch Tutorials GitHub Preview

A collection of tutorials and examples for learning PyTorch. It covers basic to advanced topics, helping users to understand and implement various deep learning models. Learn more on GitHub.

Captcha Reader PyTorch

Captcha Reader PyTorch GitHub Preview

This project implements a captcha recognition system using PyTorch. It utilizes an RNN architecture for recognizing captchas and includes pre-trained weights, training scripts, and inference scripts. Learn more on GitHub.

Korean License Plate Generator

Korean License Plate Generator GitHub Preview

This project generates images of Korean license plates with YOLO format labels using Python. It provides scripts for generating passenger car and truck license plate images, as well as tools for label distribution analysis. Learn more on GitHub.


YOLO2VOC GitHub Preview

This project provides tools to convert YOLO annotation format to Pascal VOC format and vice versa using Python. It includes scripts for both relative and absolute coordinate conversions, supporting flexible dataset management. Learn more on GitHub.

YOLOv1 PyTorch

YOLOv1 PyTorch GitHub Preview

Implementation of YOLOv1 (Real-Time Object Detection) using PyTorch. This project includes training scripts, evaluation metrics, and pre-trained models, making it a comprehensive solution for object detection tasks. Learn more on GitHub.

DeepLabV3 PyTorch

DeepLabV3 PyTorch GitHub Preview

Implementation of DeepLabV3 using PyTorch for semantic image segmentation. This project includes training scripts, evaluation metrics, and pre-trained models, providing a robust solution for segmentation tasks. Learn more on GitHub.

Deep Text Recognition

Deep Text Recognition GitHub Preview

Implementation of deep text recognition using PyTorch. This project includes scripts for training, evaluation, and pre-trained models for recognizing text in images, leveraging advanced architectures like BiLSTM and attention mechanisms. Learn more on GitHub.

Captcha Reader Keras

Captcha Reader Keras GitHub Preview

This project implements an OCR model for reading captchas using the Keras API. It combines CNN and RNN architectures, demonstrating a functional approach to solving captcha recognition tasks. Learn more on GitHub.

YOLOv1 ResNet

YOLOv1 ResNet GitHub Preview

YOLOv1 re-implementation using PyTorch with ResNet50 as the backbone. This project provides scripts for training, evaluation, and detection, making it a robust solution for real-time object detection. Learn more on GitHub.


ClovaAI CRAFT GitHub Preview

CRAFT (Character-Region Awareness for Text detection) implementation using PyTorch. This project includes pretrained models and scripts for text detection, providing robust performance in detecting text regions in images. Learn more on GitHub.

MobileNetV3 PyTorch

MobileNetV3 PyTorch GitHub Preview

PyTorch implementation of MobileNetV3 for both large and small models. This project provides scripts for model training, evaluation, and inference, facilitating efficient deployment in various image classification tasks. Learn more on GitHub.

MobileNetV2 PyTorch

MobileNetV2 PyTorch GitHub Preview

PyTorch implementation of MobileNetV2. This project includes training scripts, evaluation metrics, and pretrained models, providing efficient solutions for image classification tasks. Learn more on GitHub.