Interested in learning the basics of programming? The following video lessons in Uzbek will help you gain essential knowledge in Python, C++, and Java. Each course is explained sequentially and step-by-step, making it very beginner-friendly. 📚✨

I prepared these courses during my Master’s studies in 2020, amidst the pandemic. They were designed to be accessible and comprehensive, aiming to provide a solid foundation in programming.

Python Lessons
🐍 Python Programming

This playlist focuses on learning the fundamental principles of Python programming. You will learn to write programs in Python, understand syntax, and data types. The lessons are very beginner-friendly and filled with practical examples.

C++ Lessons
💻 C++ Programming

This playlist includes the core concepts of C++ programming. You will become familiar with C++ syntax, data types, and object-oriented programming styles. The lessons are presented clearly and understandably.

Java Lessons
☕ Java Programming

Want to gain a comprehensive understanding of Java programming? This playlist will help you learn how to create programs in Java, object-oriented programming styles, and other important concepts.

Problem Solving
🧩 Problem Solving with C++

This playlist on algorithms and problem-solving, which is a crucial part of programming, will teach you how to solve problems through practical examples and exercises. The lessons will enhance your programming skills.

Enhance your programming knowledge through these video lessons and start building your own projects! 🚀💻

Yuqoridagi video darslar sizga dasturlashning asosiy tushunchalarini o’rganishda yordam beradi. Har bir dars Python, C++, va Java tillaridagi dasturlashning muhim jihatlarini qamrab oladi va boshlovchilar uchun juda qulay tarzda tushuntirilgan. Amaliy misollar bilan ta’minlangan ushbu darslar orqali siz dasturlash qobiliyatingizni oshirishingiz va o’z loyihalaringizni yaratishingiz mumkin. O’zingizni rivojlantiring va yangi ma’lumotlarga ega bo’ling! 🌟